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The Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association (PNW4WDA) is a non-profit organization comprised of member clubs and individuals united in a common objective - the betterment of vehicle oriented outdoor recreation while preserving the environment. The PNW4WDA is divided into 8 regions covering Oregon, Washington and Idaho.

The PNW4WDA was incorporated in 1960 as the Pacific Northwest Jeep Association. The name was changed to the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association to encourage owners of other models of four wheel drive vehicles to join.

We are dedicated to preserving our environment for future generations and in that light, provide education and training in a variety of ways. Education is perhaps the only avenue that is sure to bring results.


The mission of the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association is to draw together four-wheel drive enthusiasts, supporters and Land Management Agencies in Oregon, Washington and Idaho to:

  • Support 4-wheel drive activities

  • Promote responsible use to protect the resources

  • Enhance the positive image of the sport and the enthusiasts

  • Maintain or improve 4-wheel drive opportunities

  • Protect access to public lands


As members of the American public who operate four wheel drive vehicles to access the inspiring scenery of our mountains, deserts, forests, and all the other back country areas of the nation, we will:


Leave the land and its vegetation as we found it. Help conserve plant life and soil integrity by limiting travel to established roads and trails. Avoid cutting switchbacks and driving through meadows, which will leave permanent scars.

Protect the history of the nation by not disturbing old mining camps, ghost towns and other historical or archaeological values.

Respect and help protect the rights and property of miners, ranchers, fishermen, hikers, hunters, bicyclists and other recreationists.

Accept the responsibility of keeping the backcountry beautiful by packing out litter regardless of who left it there.

Extend to those we meet friendship, courtesy and tolerance, as these values are necessary as well as contagious.

Assure, that in all our endeavors, safety is a prime consideration.

Make every effort to apprise ourselves of the ecology, geology, and the history of our environment so that we may fully appreciate and protect our national heritage.

To the best of our ability, educate others by example and deed.

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