To your left is a map of the PNW4WDA regions. Click on the map or select a region below to see a list of clubs in that area.
Interested in starting a new club? Find out the steps it takes to create one here!
Club Name | Contact Name | Phone Number | Address |
Wandering Willys' Jeep Club | Mitch Carter |
North Bend, WA | |
Rainier Ridge Rams | Kyle Farrar | 360-224-4824 | Bellingham, WA |
Offroad Express | Frankie Allen | 360-426-1188 | Yuma, AZ |
Dirty Thirteen 4x4 Club | Tyler Hayter | 425-583-8946 | Snohomish, WA |
Washington Bobtails | Chase Simonson | 360-893-1630 | Orting, WA |
Timber Tamers Inc | Dave Fassett | Please Email President@timbertamers.org | Everett, WA |
Outdoor 4x4's | Dave Taylor | 206-491-0909 | Woodinville, WA |
Doo Wop Ditty Dirt Club | RaeAnn Laurent | 206-271-4150 | Graham, WA |
Bull Shifters 4-Wheel Drive Club
| Ken Johnson | 253-631-5743 | Kent, WA |
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 1?
Contact your local region director at Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 2?
Contact your local region director at Reg2Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
Title | Contact Name | Phone Number | Address |
Tacoma Webfooters Jeep Club | Machelle Flowers | 253-307-6365 |
Yelm, WA |
Sound Crawlers | 206-898-8001 | Puyallup, WA | |
Seattle Rump Bumpers Jeep Club | Jennifer Weissenbuehler | 253-245-7829 | Eatonville, WA |
Renegade Offroad | Jessica Marek | 360-250-3727 | Eatonville, WA |
Rainier Ruffians | Dustin Brown | 360-628-7553 | Rainier, WA |
Quadrapaws Four Wheel Drive Club | |||
Off Road Animals | Dave Bauman | 360-829-1654 | Bonney Lake, WA |
Let's Wheel Offroad | David Johns | 253-381-8763 | Lake Tapps, WA |
JBLM Chapter of Military Jeepers | |||
Go-4-All 4x4 Club | Don Williams | 425-271-1967 | Shelton, WA |
ElDorado Dust Devils | Dan Bowie | 253-389-0481 | Bonney Lake, WA |
Cascade 4x4's of Tacoma | Rob Stafford | 253-691-4351 | Tacoma, WA |
Thunder Trucks | Ron Llapitan | 206-255-2157 | Auburn, WA |
Spanaway Moonshiners Jeep Club | Blake Wood | 253-820-4427 | Spanaway, WA |
Skookumchuck Mud Daubers | Darren Jungmayer | 360-278-3398 | Bucoda, WA |
RPM Racing Jeep Club | Krystal Schwartz | 360-520-3039 | Mossyrock, WA |
Rednecks and Rugrats Jeep Club | Troy Clark | 253-862-1729 | South Prairie, WA |
R.A.C.E. | Diana Prine | 253-847-0275 | Spanaway, WA |
Overbored Racing | Rob Stafford | 253-691-4351 | Spanaway, WA |
NW On The Rocks | Chad Stayton | 360-878-2278 | |
Lake Tapps Turtles | |||
Good Time 4-Wheelers | Tony Myers | 425-432-7456 | Black Diamond, WA |
Evergreen Conestogas | Mary Winters | 253-862-8467 | Bonney Lake, WA |
County line Offroaders | Dan Morris | 253-376-6359 | Roy, WA |
Carbon Glacier Mavericks | Zach Pries | Carbonado, WA |
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 3?
Contact your local region director at Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
Club Name | Contact Name | Phone Number | Address |
Jolly Jeepers 4x4 | Tom Rinella | 503-805-6502 | Corbett, OR |
4 At A Time | Steve Grittman | 503-628-4210 | Gaston, OR |
Flat Broke & 4-Wheeling Inc | Richard Smith | 503-410-1578 | St Helens, OR |
Hubs In 4 Wheelers | Rick Smith | 503-410-1578 | St Helens, OR |
PNW individual Member Club | Don Jensen | 360-577-0111 | Longview, WA |
Portland Mudder Chukars | Michelle Bresee | 509-493-4800 | White Salmon, WA |
PushnPulls, Inc | Robert Williams | 503-438-0590 | Deer Island, OR |
Vancouver 4 Wheelers | Brenda Fisher | 360-609-6962 | Vancouver, WA |
Trailbreakers Inc | Linda Jessen | 360-749-2328 | Kelso, WA |
Sand Fleas | Tom Rinella | 503-774-3550 | Portland, WA |
Salem Jeep Club | Greg Peters | 503-588-2064 | Salem, WA |
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 4?
Contact your local region director at Reg4Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
Club Name | Contact Name | Phone Number | Address |
Yakima Valley Mountaineers | John Laurent | 206-963-7909 | Selah, WA |
Trail Seekers 4x4 Club | Skip Frans | 253-951-7036 | East Wenachee, WA |
Roamin' Chariots jeep club | Doug Conner | 253-312-5547 | Shelton, WA |
Columbia Basin Sand Commandos | Randy Hayes | 509-989-2465 | Moses Lake, WA |
Desert Rats 4x4 Club | 509-430-4775 | Richland, WA | |
Nitty Gritty | Joyce Julsrud | 509-929-2607 | Ellensburg, WA |
Jeeping Nomads Jeep Club | 509-966-6305 | Yakima, WA | |
Yakima Valley Timberwolves | Devon Matson | 509-945-1735 | Moxee, WA |
The Hurtin' Units | Dave McMain | 509-989-2465 | Moses Lake, WA |
Tri-Cities Peak Putters | Lee Retterer | 509-947-1468 | Kennewick, WA |
Shindig Wheelers | Warren Brown | 509-698-3703 | Yakima, WA |
Yakima Ridgerunners Inc | 509-654-3210 | Yakima, WA |
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 5?
Contact your local region director at Reg5Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
There are currently no clubs in Region 5.
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 6?
Contact your local region director at Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
Club Name | Contact Name | Phone Number | Address |
Willamette Valley Wheelers | Jeff Holland | 541-230-4587 | Corvallis, Oregon |
High Country 4-Wheelers | 541-219-1130 | Lakeview, OR | |
Ruff Country Four Wheelers | Scott Addams | 541-817-5702 | Roseburg, OR |
Rev-Limiter Racing Off Road Club | Tony Arneson | 541-661-5105 | Brookings, OR |
Deschutes County 4-Wheelers | Randy Drake | 541-410-9952 | Bend, OR |
Four Runners of Klamath Falls | Steve Roach | 541-591-0458 | Klamath Falls, OR |
Umpqua ValleyTimber Cruisers | Alan Paulson | 541-680-9054 | Roseburg, OR |
X-Treme Offroaders 4x4 Club | 541-580-0631 | Roseburg, OR | |
Strawberry Hill Four Wheelers | Brandon Schmidt | 541-740-9715 | Philomath, OR |
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 7?
Contact your local region director at Reg7Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
There are currently no clubs in Region 7.
Is your club interested in joining the PNW in Region 8?
Contact your local region director at Reg8Dir@pnw4wda.org for more information on how to join.
There are currently no clubs in Region 8.