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Why Should I Belong and Why Are Meetings Beneficial?

Writer's picture: Angie MarekAngie Marek

Many people ask, why I should belong to the PNW4WDA? The truth lies within yourself and what do you want to get out of it. A volunteer organization is only as strong as its members/membership. There is strength in numbers when we are working with the government agencies and trying to keep trails open or build new ones. When your representatives are working with agencies, one of the first things those agencies want to know is how many people they represent.

The PNW4WDA was and is instrumental in building and maintaining many of the places you choose to recreate. In addition to trails, many participate in the competition events, have access to a great deal on event insurance, scholarships, representation across the three states and the US, webinars, Tri-Power, website, partnerships with businesses and organizations, and a chance to spend time with family and friends. The diversity of interests of our members is what makes us so strong.

Your dues in 2024 are $50.00 per family, less than one dinner out. Your membership makes a difference! Whether you are an individual member family or belong to a club, your voice matters. In 2023 the clubs hosting competition events voted to charge more for non-members to race. This resulted in new members and additional money from those who raced as non-members. Trail Jamboree in 2024 will have a member price and a non-member price (voted on at Fall Delegates Meeting). The non-member price will include PNW4WDA membership for the remainder of 2024.

Member clubs get two votes at Association and Region Meetings, everyone gets a voice. At the Fall Delegates Meeting in September, those in attendance voted on issues and gave guidance to your Board of Directors. Every club as well as interested individual members should be sending representatives to the meetings. We all lead busy lives but, please support the PNW4WDA and the leaders you have elected. They spend countless hours each month representing you and protecting your rights to motorized recreation. Many times, the board only hears from members when they don’t like something, let’s try being a part of the conversations before decisions are made.

In the big picture, the $50.00 dollars you spend to belong to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association has a huge impact. Be a part of the solution, not the problem and be proud to be a part of one of the oldest and respected 4 wheel drive associations in the US.

In February, delegates will be voting on issues and electing officers to represent you in 2024. Remember, all meetings are open to all members, not just delegates. Make a point to attend a region meeting in the coming year (many have virtual listen in options for those who can’t be there in person).

Thank you for being a member and being a part of this great community!

Submitted by Angie Marek, Partnership Chairperson, and Past President



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